Effective immediately, we are expanding the Cumberland County Chapter to include the York County responsibilities. Our combined name will be PROJECT LINUS CUMBERLAND & YORK COUNTY, ME CHAPTER.
York County drop-off locations are Tony’s Sewing Machine in Biddeford and Marden’s in Sanford. York County additions are Sweester-Family Focus, SMMC, Waban Projects, York County Domestic Violence and Goodall Hospital, at present.
We also are now on Facebook as Project Linus Cumberland & York County. There have been a few growing pains and I apologize for any inconvenience. I understand that many of you have received 3 requests to join Facebook. Sorry, I thought I had sent 588 requests but somehow only 206 got sent. I’ve got to figure this out. However, sign up on Facebook as I’ll be posting frequently and you’ll be able to see pictures of events, thank you notes, and other info. So, please bear with me as I’m learning.
I’ll continue to do a short newsletter and will mail to those without computer access. However, if you have questions, please contact me at 284-5606.
With sincere thanks to Julie Baker for her dedication and hard work as the York County Coordinator. You’ve put a smile on the face of many children. A job well done.