Tuesday, January 29, 2013


To all:

Thank you so much for the many blankets and quilts you have made for the babies here on NICU and CCN.  They are beautiful, and will last for many years to come.

Thank you all - The Staff at MMC


I just received some amazing notes from patients at Spring Harbor who have received our blankets.  Spring Harbor uses our blankets as a part of the therapy for their children.  For many of these kids, it may be one of the rare times that they have something that's just for them - and they get to choose the one they want.         

For this facility, we provide only fleece blankets, mostly a medium or teen size.  In 2012, we provided 339 blankets to this facility.    Thanks to all who have made this happen.           

These notes sum up why we make these blankets.

This card has a pencil sketch of flowers on the front:
     Similiar to the flowers that bring light and beauty on dark and cloudy days, the blanket I received from The Linus Project upon my visit at Spring Harbor reminds me everyday that there will always be color and comfort, even through cold and dark times in life.

                Thank you so much, A

Thank you so much for all the awesome blankets that you've made for all of us!  Mine made my bed look so much cheerier and brought a little ray of sunshine into my life.

                                              Thank you, B

Thank you so much for the blankets you provided for us when we first arrived here at Spring Harbor!  It really made my new room seem more like home.  Coming to a pace like this is definitely not easy, so even the small gesture of a blanket really made a big impact on how I felt upon arrival.  

                                      Again, thank you so much, J

Thank you so much for your amazing thoughtfulness and consideration.  Being in the hospital, it makes a compete and total difference to have a great blanket to call my own!

The time and effort you put on these blankets are incredible and it shows how much you care about us.

                                        A very grateful patient!

When I first came here I was scared and for me to say that is a lot but, when I came here and got a blanket, it made me feel loved and that everyone really does care.  Thank you for taking time to make blankets for us.  I know you don't have to but the fact that you do means you care, and to me, that helps. 

The blanket made me feel like there was hope and it gave me strength and it helps with my nightmares.

                                Thank you very much

Thank you for the blanket!  When they brought me to pick one out, I was very sad and it cheered me up a bit.  I really like it and I think it's great what you're doing.  Every night it keeps me warm and it's very pretty.

                                     Thank you very much :)

Thank you so, so much for spending the time and money on these amazing blankets.  It means a lot to a lot of people.  Especially me.  It gives me hope that there is still some good left in people.  These blankets are very special to all those who have them, and I highly appreciate your efforts to support people in need.  You are really making a difference!  Please continue doing what you're doing and enjoy the fact that you made a troubled child/teen's day 10 times better by making them an extremely special blanket. 

It really can brighten my day, knowing someone out there cares about kids and teens with almost invisible disabilities. 

                    Thank you so much.  You're amazing!

Thank you very much for the blanket!  It was nice to have when I first came in, and I was scared.  It's very comfortable.     :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Thank you so very, very much to all the faithful Blanketeers.  Your hardwork and blanketeering efforts have meant so much to all the many children that you've helped comfort.  We were able to distributed 2,216 blankets - way up from 1,371 the previous year (845 to be exact). 

Of all the blankets, 67% went to local area hospitals:
             888   MMC - Barbara Bush, NICU & ONGYN
              18    Mid-Coast Hospital
              49    Southern Maine Medical Center
             339   Spring Harbor
             195   Goodall Hospital

You're all wonderful and are so important in helping comfort all these children.

Newtown, CT disaster

I wanted to let you know that Project Linus was present after the disaster.  When things like this happen, the national organization sends out a request for chapters to send blankets to the affected area.  A total of 700 blankets were sent as the local coordinator felt that was what was needed in excess of what was already in inventory. 

 Project Linus is there, blanketing with love.  Peace.


Just a reminder - if you would like to participate in the monthly mystery quilt starting on January 14, there still is time. 

Just email me back and I'll add you to the list. 

Each month, you'll receive an email on the second Monday from
      linusmystery2013@gmail.com .   Heather Harnden has graciously
      volunteered to handle this.

I've seen the finished product and it's wonderful.    I'm planning on having a separate section at the quilt show in October for these quilts.

The more the merrier - please let me know.

A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU from a recipient of a bereavement blanket

As many of you know, I try to keep up with the local paper and send a blanket to a child who's lost a parent or sibling.    In fact, in 2012, we sent out 44 blankets. 

Here's a lovely note that I received from a parent:

I would like to thank who ever however this happened. I arrived home today and there was a package at my back door, from the Project Linus Cumberland/York County. I opened the box not knowing what was inside of it and pulled out two homemade quilts for my girls. They lost their father about 3 weeks ago. He had a heart attack and was only 40 and the love of his life was his two little girls.

 When I handed the two quilts to the girls their faces just lit up and wrapped themselves in the blankets right away. My youngest who is 6, fell asleep under it tonight! My oldest who is 10 wouldn't let it go. I cannot tell you what a wonderful feeling that came over me when all of this happened. I have not seen them relaxed and comfortable like that in the past 3 weeks.

I am not a religious person but you folks are a gift from heaven right now! You made my girls night and for that I just don't know what to say but for once the tears that I had tonight were tears of joy!
You are all wonderful people! I just cannot say enough.


Marden's locallyhas invited us to do a quilt block demonstration at:

                       Scarborough - Saturday  February 16 from 10 to 2

                       Sanford - Saturday March 2 from 10 to 2

Please come and stop by.  It's always nice to to be able to say "thank you" to our Blanketeers in person.  Plus, we'll have patterns for a really great block that you can do lots with.  Please join us. 

"The Giving Quilt" by Jennifer Chiaverini

For you readers out there, the latest book in the Elm Creek Quilts Novels is out.  "The Giving Quilt" is a pleasant read about a week devoted at "quilt camp" to making Project Linus quilts.   What a lovely idea. 


Our Current Area Needs
New, handmade and washable quilts, blankets, afghans and fleece blankets in child friendly colors. Often, patterns will decide what age group will receive the blankets. Such as a baby pattern, even if large size, will go to a toddler.

Knit or crochet blankets should be made of washable, non-wool yarn and closely woven so they don't get caught or tangled in hospital equipment.

Suggested sizes:
Small (infants to toddlers) = 36 X 42

Medium to young teens = 40 X 54 - 60

Large (Teens*) = 2 yards or 48 X 65 or larger

*There is always a special need for blankets especially for teens & boys. 

Fleece blankets are very popular as well.