Monday, May 13, 2013


It's 5 months until our semi-annual Studio Sale/Quilt Show.

Date is Saturday, October 19 at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Scarborough.

This year we'll be having demonstrations, an ongoing Blanket Day for you to bring your sewing machine and project, our studio sale and 3 categories for Project Linus blankets in the quilt show - 1. general blankets, 2. the Mystery Quilts and 3. students.  We'll also have a silent auction of donated items.

Also, bring your blankets to donate and we'll give you 3 fat quarters as a gift - as long as the supply lasts.

I'm going to invite representatives from the organizations that receive our blankets to come and meet with us. 

I'm well into the planning process.  If you have any suggestions, please give me a call at 284-5606.  I'm always looking for great ideas to make the day more interesting.

I'm looking for help with:

 Items for the sale, including fabric, kits, books, wool or maybe a machine or 2

 Items for the silent auction.  We already have several table runners and are expecting a hooked and braided rug.

 Hands to set up, take down and pack up and sales help for the day.  We'll need quite a few.

 Anyone have something that they'd like to demonstrate?

 Need help with the lunch cafĂ©.  I have someone but she'll need assistance.  Looks like
 corn chowder and American chop suey and hot dogs this year.

 Someone to take photographs of what's happening.


To be continued. . .

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